Month: May 2012

  • Two ways to save a plot in png…

    Wallenhorst Two ways to save a plot in png. dev.copy() saves the plot with transparent background while savePlot() with white background. See the difference. dev.copy(device = png, file = “devcopy.png”) savePlot(file = “saveplot.png”)

  • Using discontinuous axis or breaks may not…

    accurately Using discontinuous axis or “breaks” may not be a good idea to visualize data. Instead, use two plots, one with the whole data and another for zoomed data. However, if the situation is not allowed, there is an R package to do it. The package plotrix can put breaks or gaps on the axes.

  • How to use eval Here is an example…

    How to use eval()? Here is an example. test.dframe <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = rnorm(10)) addSmooth <- function(data, smooth = TRUE) { require(ggplot2) p <- "ggplot(data = data, aes(x = x, y = y))" p.line <- "geom_line()" p.smooth <- "stat_smooth()" if (smooth == TRUE) { p.all <- paste(p, p.line, p.smooth, sep = " +…

  • checkUsage in the codetools package examines the function…

    checkUsage() in the codetools package examines the function and report possible problems. R functions look for a global variable if the variable is not found in the scope. If a function accidentally has an “orphan” variable which is not passed on to the function but has the same name as one of the global variables,…

  • Multiple plots with different titles using ggplot lapply…

    Multiple plots with different titles using ggplot, lapply, and parameters = data.frame(p1=letters[1:5], p2=round(rnorm(5),2)) l = replicate(5, data.frame(x=1:10, y=rnorm(10)), simplify=FALSE) names(l) =, c(parameters, sep=","))   plot_one = function(x) ggplot(data = l[[x]]) + geom_path(aes(x, y)) + opts(title = x)   plots = lapply(names(l), plot_one), plots) Created by Pretty R at