Display file contents with file names tail +1…
http://lun-deux.fr/mt/pekok.php Display file contents with file names; tail +1 many_files* It works on Mac, BSD. For GNU tail, use tail -n +1 many_files* Update: GNU tail has different parameters. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5917413/cat-multiple-files-but-include-filename-as-headers
Viewing huge text files between specific lines $…
http://enjoyspeakingenglish.com/?kolosok=site-de-rencontre-lesbienne-haitienne&5b7=97 Viewing huge text files; between specific lines $ sed -n 101,110p /var/log/cron 10 Awesome Examples for Viewing Huge Log Files in Unix
Nice tips of unix command tools 123 398…
Nice tips of unix command tools 123 398 17359 317 19 2909 39 -399 -5789 49 33 200 255 33 -378 sort -n file Sort the file by first column. The -n option ensures numeric (as opposed to lexicographic) sort. sort -k 2 -n file Sort the file by second column. The “-k” option here…
Remove all files but one rm f one…
Remove all files but one. rm -f !(one.txt) http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/6652/remove-all-but-one-specific-file
LaTeX document spelling checker in Linux …
LaTeX document spelling checker in Linux aspell check –mode=tex
When the forward search of readline is n …
When the forward search of readline is not working. $ stty -a $ stty -ixon
Quick fix of command line typo ^type^ …
Quick fix of command line typo ^typo^correct This will replace the word ‘typo’ with ‘correct’ from the previous command line. http://lifehacker.com/5698494/quickly-fix-command-line-mistakes-with-the–symbol