Process multiple files in a directory by Makefile…
namoro santo canção nova Process multiple files in a directory by Makefile. SOURCES := $(wildcard *_conversion.txt) TARGETS := $(patsubst %_conversion.txt, %_uniq.txt, $(SOURCES)) .PHONY: all all: $(TARGETS) %_uniq.txt: %_conversion.txt > command $< > $@
Makefile to use with Pandoc using pattern rules…
nevermore Makefile to use with Pandoc using pattern rules. OUTPUT = ../output %.docx: %.mdown pandoc -s –biblio bibliography.bib –csl cell.csl -o $(OUTPUT)/$@ $< %.tex: %.mdown pandoc -s --biblio bibliography.bib --csl cell.csl -o $(OUTPUT)/$@ $< Usage: make introduction.docx Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6577176/makefiles-and-wildcards
Defining Macros on the Command Line Macros can…
Defining Macros on the Command Line Macros can be defined on the Make command line. For example: make CFLAGS=–ms would start up Make and define the macro CFLAGS with the value “–ms”. Macros defined on the command line take precedence over macros of the same name defined in the makefile. If a command-line macro contains…