Two column for LaTeX from Pandoc Add twocolumn…
certes Two column for LaTeX from Pandoc. Add twocolumn and replace longtable with supertabular. \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} … \usepackage{supertabular} … \begin{supertabular}[c]{@{}lll@{}} … \end{supertabular} To make a figure span over two columns, use figure*. \begin{figure*}[htbp] … \end{figure*}
Makefile to use with Pandoc using pattern rules…
Kırıkkale Makefile to use with Pandoc using pattern rules. OUTPUT = ../output %.docx: %.mdown pandoc -s –biblio bibliography.bib –csl cell.csl -o $(OUTPUT)/$@ $< %.tex: %.mdown pandoc -s --biblio bibliography.bib --csl cell.csl -o $(OUTPUT)/$@ $< Usage: make introduction.docx Adapted from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6577176/makefiles-and-wildcards
Referring a figure in Pandoc + LaTeX This…
Referring a figure in Pandoc + LaTeX This will put the label inside of a caption which is recommended. ![This is the caption\label{mylabel}](/url/of/image.png) See figure \ref{mylabel}. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9434536/how-do-i-make-a-reference-to-a-figure-in-markdown-using-pandoc