Nested Tmux command Screen vim + gnu screen…
angers rencontres serieuses Nested Tmux command. Screen (vim + gnu screen/tmux) is a great tool for vim that split the pane and send vim buffer to another pane. (Link: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2711) However, when used the plugin in tmux session, the tmux sessions are nested then the command is not working properly. Then setting a send prefix in .tmuxrc will…
Quick round up of tmux commands Command line…
http://teamvenditti.it/?enikey=incontri-cossato&f8f=0f Quick round up of tmux commands Command line options List session and attach a session tmux ls tmux attach -t target_session Kill a session tmux kill-session -t target_session In tmux session, Ctrl-b c: create a new window Ctrl-b s: list sessions Ctrl-b w: list windows Ctrl-b &: kill the current window Ctrl-b x: kill the…
tmux The terminal multiplexer In simple words it…
tmux; The terminal multiplexer. In simple words, it divides a terminal into many sessions, windows and panes. An interesting usage is the session can be detached and re-attached, which is very useful to connect remotely. Because unexpected disconnection does not kill the process running. Also, dividing a terminal window into many panes is convenient when…