Object in R Factor can be used for sequ …
http://mt-creations.fr/contact/ Object in R Factor can be used for sequence data. From sequence characters seq
There seems to be a bug in a R package n …
rencontres seniors gratuites nantes There seems to be a bug in a R package named pgam:periodogram(). The function intensity happened to have two cos. One of them should be sin. Here is the correct version. function (w, x) { n
R vector does not have dimension. It onl …
R vector does not have dimension. It only has length. On the other hand, matrix has dimension.
R commands to explore time series data …
R commands to explore time series data ts(data) # create time series objects time(ts.data) # returns the time diff(ts.data, lag=1) # difference at the specified lag lag.plot(ts.data, 9, do.lines=FALSE) # plot with specified lags plot(stl(ts.data, “per”)) # decomposition of time series data spec.pgram(ts.data, spans=c(3,3), log=”no”) # non-parametric spectral analysis spec.ar(ts.data, spans=c(3,3), log=”no”) # parametric estimation…
R commands examining data and its struct …
R commands examining data and its structures ls() or objects() # list variables structure() str() # summary of data levels() dim() # dimension of data class() # show the class of the variable head() or tail() # showing parts of data http://www.statmethods.net/input/contents.html
R normality tests shapiro.test() his …
R normality tests shapiro.test() hist(data, prob=TRUE) lines(density(data)) qqnorm(data) qqline(data)
Multi plots in a page gridExtra package …
Multi plots in a page gridExtra package makes it easier to put multiple plots generated by ggplot2 in a page equivalent to par(mfrow= ). Example: http://code.google.com/p/gridextra/wiki/arrange came across through a conversation in StackOverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1249548/side-by-side-plots-with-ggplot2-in-r
Visualizing Data with R http://had.blip….
Visualizing Data with R http://had.blip.tv/file/3362248/
R on Linux; Command line auto completion…
R on Linux; Command line auto completion. Try this. Ctl-R and type a couple letter of the previous command you want to redo.