Array construction in R, Perl, and Python
sexe femme sur saint priest Array construction in R, Perl, and Python R: data Perl: @data = (1, 2, 3) @data[2..3] %hash = (‘a’ =>; ‘b’) $hash{a} Python: data = [1, 2, 3, ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’] data[2:3] tuple = (1, 2, 3, ‘a’, ‘b’, https://buycbdproducts.com # immutable dict = {‘a’: ‘America’, ‘c’: ‘Canada’} dict[‘a’]
Debugging R scripts with command line arguments 1…
rencontre célibataire chalon sur saône Debugging R scripts with command line arguments. 1. Break up the script into two parts: one for reading the arguments, another one for the analysis. 2. Run R with *-args option. It enters the interactive R session. Example. R –args -p ../../input/M00724-foxa1.mat -s ../../input/mouse_promoter_seqs_EPD.fasta -c 0.55 -o testing_ 3. Source the the file reading https://buycbdproducts.com…
showMethods and selectMethod to find the functions and…
showMethods() and selectMethod() to find the functions and sources of S3 object in R. http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/05/09/12506.html
Shuffle sequences in DNASequenceSet lapply or sapply return…
Shuffle sequences in DNASequenceSet. lapply() or sapply() return list. endoapply() returns the same data class, DNASequenceSet. It is way slower, though. shuffled.seqs
Turn numeric into categorical data AdultUCI age…
Turn numeric into categorical data. AdultUCI[[“age”]]
Change the order of discrete axis Generate a…
Change the order of discrete axis. Generate a factor with reversed levels or use a new ggplot2 option. Examples. df$X1 = with(df, factor(X1, levels = rev(levels(X1)))) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7418191/sorting-dotplot-factor-axis-in-ggplot Reverse the order of a discrete-valued axis Get the levels of the factor flevels
Nested Tmux command Screen vim + gnu screen…
Nested Tmux command. Screen (vim + gnu screen/tmux) is a great tool for vim that split the pane and send vim buffer to another pane. (Link: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2711) However, when used the plugin in tmux session, the tmux sessions are nested then the command is not working properly. Then setting a send prefix in .tmuxrc will…
Slopegraph in R Slopegraph shows the change of…
Slopegraph in R. Slopegraph shows the change of the quantity or rank. Beautiful slopegraph example. http://www.drewconway.com/zia/ Theory of slopegraph. http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0003nk An R and ggplot2 code example of slopegraph https://github.com/leondutoit/slopegraph/blob/master/slopegraph. R Example code. Generate sample data a
R function matching a function argument against candidate…
R function matching a function argument against candidate values. match.arg(arg, choices, several.ok = FALSE) arg = match.arg(arg)
How to rank data in R rank a…
How to rank data in R. rank(a) Then how to rank the data in reverse order? rand(-a)