Turn numeric into categorical data AdultUCI age…
Coronel Turn numeric into categorical data. AdultUCI[[“age”]]
Two column for LaTeX from Pandoc Add twocolumn…
rencontre femme mature sur sartrouville Two column for LaTeX from Pandoc. Add twocolumn and replace longtable with supertabular. \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} … \usepackage{supertabular} … \begin{supertabular}[c]{@{}lll@{}} … \end{supertabular} To make a figure span over two columns, use figure*. \begin{figure*}[htbp] … \end{figure*}
Diff sort output diff
Diff sort output. diff
Change the order of discrete axis Generate a…
Change the order of discrete axis. Generate a factor with reversed levels or use a new ggplot2 option. Examples. df$X1 = with(df, factor(X1, levels = rev(levels(X1)))) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7418191/sorting-dotplot-factor-axis-in-ggplot Reverse the order of a discrete-valued axis Get the levels of the factor flevels
Set a graph size in dot graph ratio=auto…
Set a graph size in dot. graph [ratio=auto, page=”8,11″]
Selecting objects in Inkscape Method 1 Hold down…
Selecting objects in Inkscape. Method 1. Hold down Shift key and use the mouse to click on each object to be selected. Method 2. Select by colour. CTRL F for a new menu panel. -drag colour selection from lower colour bar and drop into Style in the new menu panel as shown below. click on…
Nested Tmux command Screen vim + gnu screen…
Nested Tmux command. Screen (vim + gnu screen/tmux) is a great tool for vim that split the pane and send vim buffer to another pane. (Link: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2711) However, when used the plugin in tmux session, the tmux sessions are nested then the command is not working properly. Then setting a send prefix in .tmuxrc will…
Slopegraph in R Slopegraph shows the change of…
Slopegraph in R. Slopegraph shows the change of the quantity or rank. Beautiful slopegraph example. http://www.drewconway.com/zia/ Theory of slopegraph. http://www.edwardtufte.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=0003nk An R and ggplot2 code example of slopegraph https://github.com/leondutoit/slopegraph/blob/master/slopegraph. R Example code. Generate sample data a
R function matching a function argument against candidate…
R function matching a function argument against candidate values. match.arg(arg, choices, several.ok = FALSE) arg = match.arg(arg)
How to rank data in R rank a…
How to rank data in R. rank(a) Then how to rank the data in reverse order? rand(-a)